Monthly PhysioFit Wellness Program
Monthly PhysioFit Wellness Program
Get an individualized program based on your goals. 3-4 workouts a week programmed for you. This is a budget-friendly option for for a busy individual who would like the benefits of 1:1 training without coordinating schedules and paying the premiums per session.
Train at your convenience at your gym or home-gym.
Get the results you work towards via the benefits of accountability and individualized programing.
$115/month . $50 deposit required during on-boarding.
3-month INTRODUCTORY option at $300; Then billed $115/month for subsequent months. $50 deposit required during on-boarding.
INCLUDES Access to PhysioFit App:
Customized programing based on client's goals
In-app Calendar and Tracking of Workouts
Videos and Description of Exercises
In-app text support/messaging
In-app video upload for technique check-ins
Optional Add-ons
In person Movement Screen to add individualized correctives to your program $100
In person 1:1 sessions at D1 to review exercises in person $115/1 hour or 6-pack for $600 with one year expiration date and can be utilized for future training as well.
1:1 Recovery Services / Maintenance Manual Therapy at D1. $85 for initial appt. Follow Ups $60 or $329 for 6 sessions. This is appropriate to just have body work done in problem areas, but, you are not necessarily experiencing pain.
1:1 Physical Therapy Services at PhysioFit located at The Gear Attic. $85 initial assessment; $75 for follow ups or $200 for 3-packs. This is appropriate for those experiencing some pain and would like to have it investigated.
Quick in-person 15-minutes check-in $35/session
Reach out for recommendations for equipment if doing a home program.
You will charged at a monthly rate ONCE your official program begins