Often times once clients “graduate” from formal physical therapy, they ask “now what?” Basically, the need to continue to work on functional mobility and strength is the key to maximize your health and fitness.
Remote coaching is a great option for those with busy schedules to continue to progress and move from the rehab phase to progression of performance. Remote coaching allows you to choose your gym or workout from home while also utilizing a coach who knows your background.
Programs are catered to your goals and needs. I want you to be successful via consistency. I also realize you may have another sport you are training for. I would like to compliment that sport by providing strength and mobility programs that make sense for your schedule. Programs are designed for efficiency for those with a demanding schedule.
We will utilize an app that will walk you through the workouts. You can comment within in the app and ask any questions. If you are concerned about your form, you can submit videos of your form for assessment. You will track your load within the app. I will get notifications of workout completions.
*In-person 1:1 training is also available at select gyms if you prefer more guidance or want to more cues on form. Some clients like to to do in-person training at the top of each new cycle in order to learn the exercises prior to working on them solo.
See Below for Pricing.